Hi guys! This will be just a short text post/update on what's going on right now!

First I want to thank you everyone reading and commenting this blog, you guys are amazing. Next I want to thank every single author who has contacted me about reading and reviewing their books! I have been able to answer some of you but some of you are still waiting for an answer. I have been feeling very sick for the last month or so and haven't been able to read my email or anything else either. But now I'm starting to feel a lot better and I'm going to start reading those books I have already promised to read and review and I will start reading and answering your emails too. I hope you can be patient!
I really appreciate everyone who's been taking their time to contact me and I promise I'll read your books as soon as possible!

Have a really nice spring and hopefully I'll be back soon with new review!

1 comment(s):

  1. Hi there! I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. I read one of your blog posts that discussed your love of books from a young age and your desire to be an author. I immediately felt a kinship. I started dreaming of being an author around 8 years old even making "books" out of cardboard and wrapping paper covers stapled together or tied with ribbon to bind them together.
    I have good news, I published my first e-book on Amazon and it was very simple! I wanted to encourage you to keep up your dream and also ask you or any of your blog followers to check it out and please leave a review.

    The book is School is Scary: Kindergarten Teachers are Witches and is humorous children's fiction, the first of a series. It can be found on Amazon.com. Book 2, Fingernails of First Grade, should be published tomorrow and is quite a bit longer than Book 1 which was my first attempt. I'd appreciate any reads and reviews!


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